Originally published on: 02/03/2011
You’ve been thinking that toll free numbers would be a quality boost for your business.
But: What if this isn’t such a great idea after all? What if the business doesn’t expand the way you think it will? What if most of those numbers just sit there unused but still require a substantial monthly expense to keep them active?
Well. There’s no need to make a major commitment until you know your toll free service will generate a handsome profit. Instead, just try it for $4 and see what happens.
What you want is a way to try the service with all the features, but limited to just a single trial number or a few at most. That way you can publish a toll free number and get a feel for how everything works but limit your cost exposure.
Is there a toll free service that offers this ability to start small and grow as large as you need? Indeed there is. It’s Callture Toll Free service.
Just what do you get with Callture Toll Free? It’s a service that’s designed for small businesses with the scalability to serve major corporations. For some it can even grow to a low cost Virtual PBX. The heart of the service is your online account manager. Use your browser to set up your numbers, change settings, view billing in real time and more.
Some of the features you can change on the fly include the ring-to number, Voice Mail, and more Callture Toll Free Features.
So how much of a commitment are we talking about to try this sophisticated toll free service? Would you be shocked to learn that it’s just $4 to acquire an 855, 866, 877, 888 or 800 toll free number and $4 a month to maintain it. That plus ONLY 4.5 cents per minute for incoming calls from the US 48 states.
There is no contract. You can cancel your service anytime and all it costs is what you’ve paid to date. This is the best toll free deal available and you can have your toll free number ring to home, office or mobile phone!
With so little to lose and potentially so much to gain, why not order a toll free number and service right now. It’s an automated online process. Try it for a few months and see how much you come to depend on your new toll free service. Then go into your account and add features or more numbers as your needs grow.
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About the author
Joseph Horton is the founder/owner of www.Namada.com which has been an international phone services consultant and carrier provider since 1994. Namada,com is based in New Jersey in the United States and has customers worldwide utilizing unique services like global conferencing and international call forwarding. e-mail: jh@namada.com
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